hey Gijs, I wanted to show some appreciation for you so I wrote something for you

I love you. You are one of the most amazing people in my life. I am happy you exist and was open to getting to know me and befriending me. I'm proud of you, you are still standing, you managed to get through so many hard things.
I don't know if you are aware but you saved my life. I have had times worse than I ever told you about. I had times where I had a knife in my hand ready to end myself and at last I decided to get on discord and have one last interaction, but it was never the last interaction because of you. Thank you for just being there.
You changed my life without even trying. I can’t imagine what things would be like if I hadn’t met you.

Here are some things I love about you:

  • Your looks (you look absolutely stunning)

  • Your (sometimes concerning) humour

  • Your drawing skills (yes you have some talent no matter how much you argue against me :])

  • Your voice

  • How respectful you are

  • How intelligent you are

  • You are amazing, there are so many other points but it will take up all the space soo...

You are perfect.

Here are some topless chicks for if you feel sad

You will always have a place in my heart. I love you so much. Thank you.